Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October Play Trays

oct 4 026  oct 9 017
Sorting by shape or colour.  Matching shapes.  Pattern building.
oct 4 027 oct 7 002
Eye to hand coordination by threading beads on pipe cleaners.
oct 21 010 oct 21 035
     Sorting by colour and shapes.  Strengthening pincher grip.
             oct 21 007
 oct 23 025 oct 23 026
Recognizing numbers, counting dots and sticks.  Matching amount to number.
            oct 28 001
 oct 28 004 oct 28 006 oct 29 004
Working fine motor and eye to hand coordination by pushing picks into hard foam.
            oct 28 002
   oct 29 005 oct 30 040
                   Homemade stick puzzles. 
oct 24 076 oct 28 012
     Old McDonald treat toys to talk about costumes.
         oct 18 001
 oct 17 006 oct 18 018
Wood cookie with holes drilled randomly.  Golf tees to push in and remove.


  1. Great activities!
    May I ask where you got those turkey and squirrels counters?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Tanya, I got them through Scholastic Book Club, a couple of years ago.

  2. Maureen, thank you so much for such quick answer.
    Happy Halloween!
