Monday, November 21, 2016

Ready Set Learn 2016

Intended for families and their three-to-five year old children, is all about providing 
good information about how to support a young child's early learning 
and development.
It also develops positive connections between families, the school system
and local community agencies.
I help facilitate Ready Set Learn events at three schools each year.
I like to plan around a book.
This year we focused on Pete the Cat and his Magic Sunglasses.
After reading the story to the group they were invited
to move from centre to centre playing with their grown up.
At each centre a teacher, principal or speech therapist modeled language
and talked with parents about their child's development.
One centre had stuffies that represented the characters in the book 
so they could retell the story together.
Another centre had a mirror and lots of fun glasses to try on.
The parents were encouraged to pretend along with their child
and to talk about feelings when looking at themselves
in the mirror.
They could also decorate their own card board glasses
with stickers, tape and feathers.
Branching away from the book I set up activities that they could easily
do at home.
Setting the table is an activity children love to do
but it also builds language and math skills as well as giving them a stronger sense 
of being part of the family.
Making a shopping list together is another great language building activity.
Once made your child can take it to the grocery store with which
can help them keep busy and focused.
I put out some blocks and encouraged them to build towers together.
The families were terrific at following their child's lead in building.
They encouraged them to count and match their towers.
Playing games is a great way to learn social skills as well as 
increasing their vocabulary.
I set up a simple memory game.
They took turns flipping two cards to find their match.
Finally there was a place to play with loose parts.
Messages for parents were left among all the centres.

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